Wellness Moment — feeling stretched

Kiyomi Appleton Gaines
2 min readMay 27, 2020
Photo by rishikesh yogpeeth on Unsplash

When feeling a bit stretched, sometimes the best thing can be to lean into it — literally! Stress and tension from mental exertions — work projects, deadlines, navigating and negotiating that professional life, all while in very unusual circumstances — can hang around in the body, in tight shoulders, aching backs, headaches. But just as the mind affects the body, easing that tension in the body can help to clear the mind as well.

When balancing work and life, and other-focus with self-care, it’s sometimes helpful to have a guide, rather than having to figure it out from scratch.

To that end, I wanted to share this yoga sequence. It’s a “restorative” sequence of very gentle stretching paired with deep breathing, suitable for most skill and fitness levels — and you don’t even need a mat! A blanket or a cleared spot on the carpet will do. Kids can be welcomed to join in and practice finding their own calm and focus, too.

Just remember the first rule of yoga: there’s no such thing as doing it wrong.

And the second: if it hurts, don’t do it.

Also, the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce is offering free online yoga classes every day, at 8AM here. And free intermediate level classes after work on Wednesdays at 6PM here.

